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More than just a name... it's a promise!

Massage for Wellness in your home!

Have you ever gotten a great massage, one that really put you in that relaxation "zone"? It's an awesome experience. But, then you have to get dressed and drive. The traffic and other drivers often have you stressed out again before you even get home. In the words of Charlie Brown, "Aauggh!"


At A Healing Touch Massage we believe you shouldn't have to drive after receiving a great massage. We believe it so firmly that we travel throughout the metro area providing in-home massage. That's right, we do housecalls! Our mobile service comes to you so now you can receive a massage that will relieve your stress and/or reduce your pain without ever leaving the comfort of your home. Massage in your home allows you to receive and enjoy the maximum benefits that your massage affords.


Whether you are looking to reduce stress and ease muscle tension or work out some "knots", or a combination, we can help. Drawing from over a dozen different massage & bodywork modalities we will develop a massage that is personalized and customized especially for you; each and every session! Our goal is to give you a massage that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

A word about massage and wellness

As wonderful as receiving a massage is, receiving massage on a regular basis is even better! Don't think of massage as just a special treat but rather think of it as an investment in your health. And receiving massage at home makes it even more convenient. Consider adding massage to your health care regimen weekly, bi-weekly or monthly for greater and longer lasting health benefits.

Here are our most popular mobile, in-home massage services


Therapeutic Wellness Massage -- Our signature massage! A combination of massage techniques customized to your specific needs. We promise you a massage that will truly rejuvenate you-- body, mind and spirit.


Deep Tissue / Sports Massage -- A very deep massage to aid in lengthening of shortened tissues. Included in this massage are stretches to assist in the balancing of muscle groups.


Pregnancy (Prenatal) Massage -- Just what the mom-to-be needs! We bring a comfy body pillow for you to cuddle while receiving your massage sideline (lying on your side). A custom-blended aromatherapy massage oil, with essential oils that are safe for you and the baby, is used. Special emphasis on legs and low back and anywhere else you're feeling the strain of pregnancy. This is a treat you'll want to receive often during your pregnancy. Don't forget dad, this can be combined in a couples' massage too!


Cranial Sacral Therapy -- A gentle therapy, using light touch, that releases restrictions in the soft tissue and bones of the cranium, spine and sacrum. This treatment is excellent for working with a variety of conditions from headaches toTMD to ADD/ADHD to chronic low back pain. While we work with the head, this is not a "scalp massage." You remain fully clothed for this treatment, so you'll want to wear something comfortable and non-restricting.


Reflexology -- The foot is a map to the entire body. Reflexology is a treatment of applying thumb and/or finger pressure to specific areas of the foot, called reflexes, that correspond to all parts of the body including the organs. The goal is to trigger a return to balance (homeostasis) within the body by activating the body's own healing potential.


Reiki -- An ancient energetic modality rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s. Through a series of hand positions by the therapist the client's body draws energy to perform its own innate healing. A very relaxing modality. You remain fully clothed for this treatment, so you'll want to wear something comfortable and non-restricting.


Couples' Massage -- Two therapists and two tables so you can both enjoy massage at the same time. Available for you and any significant other (spouse, child, parent or friend).  

60-minute sessions - $90.00*

90-minute sessions - $130.00*

Couples' Massage

60-minute session - $170.00* 

90-minute session - $250.00*

Discounted prices available for packages of 5 sessions.

*west of I-17 and north of Loop 101 a $20.00 fuel surcharge is added per trip

480-215-9471 or 602-568-1531

Call today for a great massage without the drive!

Copyright 2004-2024 A Healing Touch Enterprises, Inc.

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